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Sunday, March 28, 2010

My daughter was in a schooling show this Saturday. She is an avid rider and has trained the young dark horse herself, from scratch. This was her first mounted show with him and he placed first place in two walk/trot green horse mounted eguitation classes, and 4th out of 10 in showmanship. She also rode in an english eg. class on the red horse, my flash spooked him and he acted up on her, so that did not go over well. But he placed first in trail class and won her a bag of grain in the working pairs game, and $5 in the egg and spoon race! The day ended in smiles, so all was good!

No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I am very much on it, just really ovewrwhelmingly busy with all the "other" activities I do. Today is the last day of spring break, and I am commizerating about the fact that I did nothing different or exciting. We have been very busy with horse stuff and school stuff etc. However, one day my daughter was going to do a water testing project on the Crooked River just out of Prineville. I was asked to come along and do the Photo Journaling of the maden voyage of this program that is availiable in our school district. This project is known as the "Natural Resources Education Program", it is a community sponsored, multidisciplinary approach to instruction in learning. What this project is doing is designating testing sites with the help of BLM and Forest service personnel, along the Crooked River from Bowman Dam to Rimrock park in the town of Prineville. These locations will be test sites for taking water quality tests throughout the year. This information will be compiled and used in many different ways. This is set up to be a teaching situation where students will be doing the data gathering and testing, monitoring etc. This is all really neat, and my daughter went out on the first trip to designate the sites, take baseline information and will be puting this information together on a GIS mapping program.

OK, so now that you are glazed over, I will share a couple of shots, NOT of the testing, but things I found interesting.